Thursday, 6 November 2014

Quiet Summer

Things on the fishing front have been very quiet for me this year, there have been the usual suspects around in numbers (smoothounds, bass, mackerel and dogfish) but they seem in the main to have avoided my hooks.

One thing that has been noticeable is the amount of codling that have been caught all summer, lets hope this bodes well for the winter months.

Most of the damage done over last winter seems to have been repaired now and some new defences have been completed, some of these are large enough to alter the flow of an incoming tide and as such will alter the sea bed but guess only time will tell as to how this will affect the species on our coast, think the storms certainly altered the sea bed as we have noticed most places have become very snaggy whether from uncovering old sea bed or maybe new rocks ect that have been brought closer to our shores with the big powerful waves we experienced last winter.

Looking forward to the winter months.

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